There are entry level jobs in data entry and Information processing, communications equipment operator, computer operation, database administration, and various other fields. A job of a Computer Operator is one such entry level work.
A computer operator looks after the operation of the hardware systems of a computer and ensures efficient and secure use of equipment. The work of a Computer Operator may involve working with mainframes, networks of Personal Computers, or minicomputers. A Computer Operator should be capable of anticipating problems and take preventive measures besides solving problems occurring during operation, if any.
Responsibilities associated with the job of a computer operator depend upon the size of installation, type of equipment used, and the policy of the employer. In general, responsibilities of a computer operator include setting controls on computer and accessories required to run a particular job following instructions of programmers, users, or operation managers. He loads tapes, disks and paper as needed for the equipment. While the computer is in running condition, he monitors the control console acting on the computer and operating message. An operator has to locate an error message, and if it occurs, solve it or terminate the program.
General on-the-job training is provided to computer operators so that they may become familiar with the equipment and routines of the employer. The period of training depends upon the job and the experience of the workers. Previous experience, if any, helps a lot in getting a job as a computer operator in many big companies. Generally a person having familiarity and experience with the type of equipments and operating systems available with the employer is preferred.
In addition, a person having formal computer training from a community college or technical school is preferred for the job of computer operator. Relevant training can also be undergone with the US Armed Forces. Some computer manufacturers also provide such trainings. A Bachelor's degree in the computer field, although not required at an entry level position of Computer Operator, will be of very much significance for a person for his upward movement in his career to a managerial position.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, computer operators earned median annual earnings of $31,070 in May 2004. Less than $19,250 was the median earnings of the lowest 10 percent, and the upper 10 percent earned over $48,720 whereas middle 50 percent had an earning between $24,190 and $39,900. The computer operators who were employed in the Federal Government earned $45,158 in the year 2005. As estimated by Robert Half International, in the year 2005, the average starting salaries of computer operators ranged between $27,250 and $39,500. Large organizations paid higher salaries compared to smaller ones.
There were 149,000 jobs available as computer operators in the year 2004. The industries that provide entry level jobs of computer operators include government, manufacturing units, health care, finance, insurance, information industries, and data processing services. A great number of computer operators are employed by the companies in the field of computer systems design and other associated services.
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics has predicted significant decline in the entry level job of computer operator, which has been estimated to be most rapidly declining occupation during the decade 2004-2014. Main cause of this steep decline is the obsolescence of many of the traditional duties of computer operators due to advancement in technology. A few job openings will arise every year for replacement needs for which experienced computer operators are expected to compete. Persons having formal computer education and familiarity with various operating systems and who will keep them up to date with latest technology will see the best opportunities.
The size and cost of a computer goes down with the advancement in technology while capacity for data storage and processing automation increases. In factories, offices, telecommunication, education, government and health care, everywhere advanced computer hardware & software are being used and the systems are becoming more user-friendly. With these systems and computers, fewer operators can perform more highly skilled work. This has greatly reduced the need for computer operators. In the future, operators in computer fields will be required to possess knowledge of automation software, graphics interface, programming, server/client environments, and open systems so that they can obtain the benefits of the changing job opportunities.